Source code for zict.lru

from __future__ import annotations

from import (

from zict.common import KT, VT, NoDefault, ZictBase, close, flush, locked, nodefault
from zict.utils import InsertionSortedSet

[docs] class LRU(ZictBase[KT, VT]): """Evict Least Recently Used Elements. Parameters ---------- n: int or float Number of elements to keep, or total weight if ``weight`` is used. Any individual key that is heavier than n will be automatically evicted as soon as it is inserted. It can be updated after initialization. See also: ``offset`` attribute. d: MutableMapping Dict-like in which to hold elements. There are no expectations on its internal ordering. Iteration on the LRU follows the order of the underlying mapping. on_evict: callable or list of callables Function:: k, v -> action to call on key/value pairs prior to eviction If an exception occurs during an on_evict callback (e.g a callback tried storing to disk and raised a disk full error) the key will remain in the LRU. on_cancel_evict: callable or list of callables Function:: k, v -> action to call on key/value pairs if they're deleted or updated from a thread while the on_evict callables are being executed in another. If you're not accessing the LRU from multiple threads, ignore this parameter. weight: callable Function:: k, v -> number to determine the size of keeping the item in the mapping. Defaults to ``(k, v) -> 1`` Notes ----- If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long as all methods of ``d`` are fast. Callbacks are not protected by locks and can be arbitrarily slow. Examples -------- >>> lru = LRU(2, {}, on_evict=lambda k, v: print("Lost", k, v)) >>> lru['x'] = 1 >>> lru['y'] = 2 >>> lru['z'] = 3 Lost x 1 """ d: MutableMapping[KT, VT] order: InsertionSortedSet[KT] heavy: InsertionSortedSet[KT] on_evict: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] on_cancel_evict: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float] #: Maximum weight before eviction is triggered, as set during initialization. #: Updating this attribute doesn't trigger eviction by itself; you should call #: :meth:`evict_until_below_target` explicitly afterwards. n: float #: Offset to add to ``total_weight`` to determine if key/value pairs should be #: evicted. It always starts at zero and can be updated afterwards. Updating this #: attribute doesn't trigger eviction by itself; you should call #: :meth:`evict_until_below_target` explicitly afterwards. #: Increasing ``offset`` is not the same as reducing ``n``, as the latter will also #: reduce the threshold below which a value is considered "heavy" and qualifies for #: immediate eviction. offset: float weights: dict[KT, float] closed: bool total_weight: float _cancel_evict: dict[KT, bool] def __init__( self, n: float, d: MutableMapping[KT, VT], *, on_evict: Callable[[KT, VT], None] | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] | None = None, on_cancel_evict: Callable[[KT, VT], None] | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] | None = None, weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float] = lambda k, v: 1, ): super().__init__() self.d = d self.n = n self.offset = 0 if callable(on_evict): on_evict = [on_evict] self.on_evict = on_evict or [] if callable(on_cancel_evict): on_cancel_evict = [on_cancel_evict] self.on_cancel_evict = on_cancel_evict or [] self.weight = weight self.weights = {k: weight(k, v) for k, v in d.items()} self.total_weight = sum(self.weights.values()) self.order = InsertionSortedSet(d) self.heavy = InsertionSortedSet(k for k, v in self.weights.items() if v >= n) self.closed = False self._cancel_evict = {} @locked def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: result = self.d[key] self.order.remove(key) self.order.add(key) return result
[docs] @locked def get_all_or_nothing(self, keys: Collection[KT]) -> dict[KT, VT]: """If all keys exist in the LRU, update their FIFO priority and return their values; this would be the same as ``{k: lru[k] for k in keys}``. If any keys are missing, however, raise KeyError for the first one missing and do not bring any of the available keys to the top of the LRU. """ result = {key: self.d[key] for key in keys} for key in keys: self.order.remove(key) self.order.add(key) return result
def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: self.set_noevict(key, value) try: self.evict_until_below_target() except Exception: if self.weights.get(key, 0) > self.n and key not in self.heavy: # weight(value) > n and evicting the key we just inserted failed. # Evict the rest of the LRU instead. try: while len(self.d) > 1: self.evict() except Exception: pass raise
[docs] @locked def set_noevict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: """Variant of ``__setitem__`` that does not evict if the total weight exceeds n. Unlike ``__setitem__``, this method does not depend on the ``on_evict`` functions to be thread-safe for its own thread-safety. It also is not prone to re-raising exceptions from the ``on_evict`` callbacks. """ self.discard(key) weight = self.weight(key, value) if key in self._cancel_evict: self._cancel_evict[key] = True self.d[key] = value self.order.add(key) if weight > self.n: self.heavy.add(key) # Mark this key to be evicted first self.weights[key] = weight self.total_weight += weight
[docs] def evict_until_below_target(self, n: float | None = None) -> None: """Evict key/value pairs until the total weight falls below n Parameters ---------- n: float, optional Total weight threshold to achieve. Defaults to self.n. """ if n is None: n = self.n while self.total_weight + self.offset > n and not self.closed: try: self.evict() except KeyError: return # Multithreaded race condition
[docs] @locked def evict( self, key: KT | NoDefault = nodefault ) -> tuple[KT, VT, float] | tuple[None, None, float]: """Evict least recently used key, or least recently inserted key with individual weight > n, if any. You may also evict a specific key. This is typically called from internal use, but can be externally triggered as well. Returns ------- Tuple of (key, value, weight) Or (None, None, 0) if the key that was being evicted was updated or deleted from another thread while the on_evict callbacks were being executed. This outcome is only possible in multithreaded access. """ if key is nodefault: try: key = next(iter(self.heavy or self.order)) except StopIteration: raise KeyError("evict(): dictionary is empty") if key in self._cancel_evict: return None, None, 0 # For the purpose of multithreaded access, it's important that the value remains # in self.d until all callbacks are successful. # When this is used inside a Buffer, there must never be a moment when the key # is neither in fast nor in slow. value = self.d[key] # If we are evicting a heavy key we just inserted and one of the callbacks # fails, put it at the bottom of the LRU instead of the top. This way lighter # keys will have a chance to be evicted first and make space. self.heavy.discard(key) self._cancel_evict[key] = False try: with self.unlock(): # This may raise; e.g. if a callback tries storing to a full disk for cb in self.on_evict: cb(key, value) if self._cancel_evict[key]: for cb in self.on_cancel_evict: cb(key, value) return None, None, 0 finally: del self._cancel_evict[key] del self.d[key] self.order.remove(key) weight = self.weights.pop(key) self.total_weight -= weight return key, value, weight
@locked def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None: if key in self._cancel_evict: self._cancel_evict[key] = True del self.d[key] self.order.remove(key) self.heavy.discard(key) self.total_weight -= self.weights.pop(key)
[docs] def keys(self) -> KeysView[KT]: return self.d.keys()
[docs] def values(self) -> ValuesView[VT]: return self.d.values()
[docs] def items(self) -> ItemsView[KT, VT]: return self.d.items()
def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.d) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT]: return iter(self.d) def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in self.d def __str__(self) -> str: sub = str(self.d) if not isinstance(self.d, dict) else "dict" return f"<LRU: {self.total_weight + self.offset}/{self.n} on {sub}>" __repr__ = __str__ def flush(self) -> None: flush(self.d)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: self.closed = True close(self.d)