Source code for zict.buffer

from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable, ItemsView, Iterator, MutableMapping, ValuesView
from itertools import chain

from zict.common import KT, VT, ZictBase, close, discard, flush, locked
from zict.lru import LRU

[docs] class Buffer(ZictBase[KT, VT]): """Buffer one dictionary on top of another This creates a MutableMapping by combining two MutableMappings, one that feeds into the other when it overflows, based on an LRU mechanism. When the first evicts elements these get placed into the second. When an item is retrieved from the second it is placed back into the first. Parameters ---------- fast: MutableMapping slow: MutableMapping n: float Number of elements to keep, or total weight if ``weight`` is used. weight: f(k, v) -> float, optional Weight of each key/value pair (default: 1) fast_to_slow_callbacks: list of callables These functions run every time data moves from the fast to the slow mapping. They take two arguments, a key and a value. If an exception occurs during a fast_to_slow_callbacks (e.g a callback tried storing to disk and raised a disk full error) the key will remain in the LRU. slow_to_fast_callbacks: list of callables These functions run every time data moves form the slow to the fast mapping. Notes ----- If you call methods of this class from multiple threads, access will be fast as long as all methods of ``fast``, plus ``slow.__contains__`` and ``slow.__delitem__``, are fast. ``slow.__getitem__``, ``slow.__setitem__`` and callbacks are not protected by locks. Examples -------- >>> fast = {} >>> slow = Func(dumps, loads, File('storage/')) # doctest: +SKIP >>> def weight(k, v): ... return sys.getsizeof(v) >>> buff = Buffer(fast, slow, 1e8, weight=weight) # doctest: +SKIP See Also -------- LRU """ fast: LRU[KT, VT] slow: MutableMapping[KT, VT] weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float] fast_to_slow_callbacks: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] slow_to_fast_callbacks: list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] _cancel_restore: dict[KT, bool] def __init__( self, fast: MutableMapping[KT, VT], slow: MutableMapping[KT, VT], n: float, weight: Callable[[KT, VT], float] = lambda k, v: 1, fast_to_slow_callbacks: Callable[[KT, VT], None] | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] | None = None, slow_to_fast_callbacks: Callable[[KT, VT], None] | list[Callable[[KT, VT], None]] | None = None, ): super().__init__() = LRU( n, fast, weight=weight, on_evict=[self.fast_to_slow], on_cancel_evict=[self._cancel_evict], ) self.slow = slow self.weight = weight if callable(fast_to_slow_callbacks): fast_to_slow_callbacks = [fast_to_slow_callbacks] if callable(slow_to_fast_callbacks): slow_to_fast_callbacks = [slow_to_fast_callbacks] self.fast_to_slow_callbacks = fast_to_slow_callbacks or [] self.slow_to_fast_callbacks = slow_to_fast_callbacks or [] self._cancel_restore = {} @property def n(self) -> float: """Maximum weight in the fast mapping before eviction happens. Can be updated; this won't trigger eviction by itself; you should call :meth:`evict_until_below_target` afterwards. See also -------- offset evict_until_below_target LRU.n LRU.offset """ return @n.setter def n(self, value: float) -> None: = value @property def offset(self) -> float: """Offset to add to the total weight in the fast buffer to determine when eviction happens. Note that increasing offset is not the same as decreasing n, as the latter also changes what keys qualify as "heavy" and should not be stored in fast. Always starts at zero and can be updated; this won't trigger eviction by itself; you should call :meth:`evict_until_below_target` afterwards. See also -------- n evict_until_below_target LRU.n LRU.offset """ return @offset.setter def offset(self, value: float) -> None: = value def fast_to_slow(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: self.slow[key] = value try: for cb in self.fast_to_slow_callbacks: cb(key, value) # LRU catches exception, raises and makes sure keys are not lost and located in # fast. except Exception: del self.slow[key] raise def slow_to_fast(self, key: KT) -> VT: self._cancel_restore[key] = False try: with self.unlock(): value = self.slow[key] if self._cancel_restore[key]: raise KeyError(key) finally: del self._cancel_restore[key] # Avoid useless movement for heavy values w = self.weight(key, value) if w <= self.n: # Multithreaded edge case: # - Thread 1 starts slow_to_fast(x) and puts it at the top of fast # - This causes the eviction of older key(s) # - While thread 1 is evicting older keys, thread 2 is loading fast with # set_noevict() # - By the time the eviction of the older key(s) is done, there is # enough weight in fast that thread 1 will spill x # - If the below code was just `[key] = value; del # self.slow[key]` now the key would be in neither slow nor fast!, value) del self.slow[key] with self.unlock(): for cb in self.slow_to_fast_callbacks: cb(key, value) return value @locked def __getitem__(self, key: KT) -> VT: try: return[key] except KeyError: return self.slow_to_fast(key) def __setitem__(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: with self.lock: discard(self.slow, key) if key in self._cancel_restore: self._cancel_restore[key] = True[key] = value
[docs] @locked def set_noevict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: """Variant of ``__setitem__`` that does not move keys from fast to slow if the total weight exceeds n """ discard(self.slow, key) if key in self._cancel_restore: self._cancel_restore[key] = True, value)
[docs] def evict_until_below_target(self, n: float | None = None) -> None: """Wrapper around :meth:`zict.LRU.evict_until_below_target`. Presented here to allow easier overriding. """
@locked def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None: if key in self._cancel_restore: self._cancel_restore[key] = True try: del[key] except KeyError: del self.slow[key] @locked def _cancel_evict(self, key: KT, value: VT) -> None: discard(self.slow, key)
[docs] def values(self) -> ValuesView[VT]: return BufferValuesView(self)
[docs] def items(self) -> ItemsView[KT, VT]: return BufferItemsView(self)
def __len__(self) -> int: with self.lock, return ( len( + len(self.slow) - sum( k in and k in self.slow for k in chain(self._cancel_restore, ) ) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[KT]: """Make sure that the iteration is not disrupted if you evict/restore a key in the middle of it """ seen = set() while True: try: for d in (, self.slow): for key in d: if key not in seen: seen.add(key) yield key return except RuntimeError: pass def __contains__(self, key: object) -> bool: return key in or key in self.slow def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Buffer<{}, {self.slow}>" __repr__ = __str__ def flush(self) -> None: flush(, self.slow)
[docs] def close(self) -> None: close(, self.slow)
class BufferItemsView(ItemsView[KT, VT]): _mapping: Buffer # FIXME CPython implementation detail __slots__ = () def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[KT, VT]]: # Avoid changing the LRU return chain(, self._mapping.slow.items()) class BufferValuesView(ValuesView[VT]): _mapping: Buffer # FIXME CPython implementation detail __slots__ = () def __contains__(self, value: object) -> bool: # Avoid changing the LRU return any(value == v for v in self) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[VT]: # Avoid changing the LRU return chain(, self._mapping.slow.values())